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Writer's pictureKimberly Wyatt

What does After Cancer look like for me? - by Kimberly Wyatt

Kimberly Wyatt breast cancer survivor

Kimberly Wyatt is a breast cancer patient, advocate, and mentor. Listen to her interview here on the Joyfully Black Podcast.

I am an avid Breast Cancer Advocate and Mentor

I pride myself on looking at the glass half full instead of half empty. Having a positive mindset amid your diagnosis and treatment is so hard. You can’t really see the forest through the trees so to speak. I am living proof that you can turn things around in a positive way during and after your diagnosis.

survivorship is a journey

Two cancer diagnoses

I’ve been diagnosed twice and have had enough chemotherapy, radiation, and surgeries to last me a lifetime. Looking at life differently because of my diagnoses. Loving and living life. Keeping only positive uplifting people around. It really does start with you and your circle to turn things around. Having a diagnosis doesn’t mean it's over it means life for you has just started and what are you going to do with it?

Cancer changed my life

The diagnosis has changed my life for the better. I have multiple businesses. I’ve become more spiritual. I lean on my faith for everything. My outlook on life is clear, and I know where I am going. Giving back is my greatest accomplishment and I couldn’t have done it without my support system and God’s Grace.

virtual care for cancer patients

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