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Depression & anxiety: understanding the symptoms and how to improve it

Happy cancer survivor who dealt with depression post cancer and anxiety issues and solved them by seeing a therapist through the after cancer clinic.

The emotional response to cancer

Cancer can be a life-changing experience that can cause significant stress and anxiety. Many cancer patients find themselves struggling with feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair, all of which are signs of depression. Cancer depression can make it difficult to engage in daily activities and can impact the quality of life. Depression can also make it more challenging to follow through with cancer treatment plans, making it a significant concern for cancer patients and their healthcare providers.

Anxiety is another common emotional response to cancer diagnosis and treatment. Cancer anxiety can take many forms, from generalized anxiety to panic attacks. It's not uncommon for cancer patients to experience significant anxiety, including worrying about their treatment, fearing the recurrence of cancer, and worrying about their future. Cancer anxiety can also be challenging to manage, and it can impact a person's ability to follow through with their cancer treatment.

Depression and anxiety after cancer

Even after successful cancer treatment, many patients continue to experience depression and anxiety. Post-cancer depression and anxiety are common and can be challenging to manage. The fear of cancer recurrence, the financial impact of cancer treatment, and the loss of social support can all contribute to depression and anxiety in cancer survivors. Family members and loved ones may also experience depression and anxiety as they have lived with cancer patients.

Managing depression and anxiety

The good news is that there are effective treatments available for depression and anxiety in cancer patients. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication, and support groups can all be helpful for managing depression and anxiety. Talk to us about their symptoms and concerns. We can provide guidance and support for managing depression and anxiety, and refer you to mental health professionals who specialize in working with cancer patients.

Caregivers can also play a critical role in supporting cancer patients with depression and anxiety. Providing emotional support, helping with daily tasks, and encouraging cancer patients to seek help can all be helpful in managing depression and anxiety. Family members and loved ones should also take care of themselves and seek support as needed.


Cancer depression and anxiety are common and can be challenging to manage, but there are effective treatments available. It's essential for cancer patients to talk to healthcare providers about their symptoms and concerns and to seek support from mental health professionals as needed. Family members and loved ones can also play a critical role in supporting cancer patients with depression and anxiety. With the right support and treatment, cancer patients can manage depression and anxiety and live a fulfilling life beyond cancer.


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